Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A High School Horror

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Perhaps the biggest change in my life has been entering high school. In more ways than one, high school has become something far greater than I have ever anticipated. New faces, new classes, new teachers, and new expectations are just some of the challenges I have begun to face. In many ways, I prefer grade school over this new profound path. Now I'm in my Sophomore year of high school, and now it's time to begin to tell you my story.

When I arrived at my new school in 2012, it was probably one of the most terrifying experiences in my life. Instantly when my foot touched the tile floors, I wanted out. The noise, the anxiety over where my next class would be, and the almost giant-like upperclassmen was all too overwhelming. I'll tell you the truth, at that moment, I felt the urge to call home and leave and never return. But I kept moving, everyday, and soon enough the year came to a close. 

I learned many things my Freshman year. First of all, I learned that no matter what, it will always get better. I had a lot of bad days my Freshman year. It got so bad that many nights I would fall asleep in tears. Most days at school I felt out of place and unimportant. I luckily found a group of friends, and they were my foundation. I never felt out of place when I was around them. Then as year went on, I began to meet more new people and develop new relationships. I began to become more involved in school activities. Life wasn't so bad. But I still had a constant feeling that something was out of place, and that feeling continued to tortue my soul.

The second thing I learned was that time is precious. So often I would fall into situations at school where I was getting everything done at the last minute. Whether it was studying for a test, working on an assignment, or preparing for an audition, time was just flying by. I think this took away from much of my social high school experience because I was so busy trying to complete everything that was due. If I could say one thing to help people through high school, it would be to slow down

The final thing I learned was to branch out. I am not a sociably blessed person, unlike some of my other family members and peers. It is hard for me to make small talk. I am more content just being with my group of friends. As long as I am happy right? But as days went on, I learned that even though I'll never be super comfortable with people I don't know well, I have to learn to tolerate them. I can't run away from situations to be sociable. I have to take advantage of every situation I have so I can build relationships with others.

Freshman year was my new beginning. Just like in Genesis, a beginning was being created for mankind. Man was going to have problems and would stumble and fall, but God was there to pick man up. Although God would always pick up the broken pieces of man's life, man still continued to struggle and sin. So God sent his son, the one to take all of our worries and problems and make them his own. He was perfect, but was treated like one of the outcasts and murderers. He died on a cross for us, but through his death, he made us good. So every time you feel worried, distressed, or just feel alone, remember that God created the world, sent his son, and it was good.

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