Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hi! My Name Is....

Hello Blogging World!

This is something very new, and maybe a bit frightening, that I'm trying. I feel that it's very important to communicate with people the daily struggles we all have in our lives. Doing so we can become united together and have a unique understanding for every individual.

But enough about this, let's cut straight to the interesting stuff.

My name is Abbey. I currently live in a small town in Iowa, called Sioux Center. I'm a Sophomore at a high school about 15 minutes from where I live, and I'm 15 years old (and counting). I'm the youngest of four children. I have one older brother who's 24, a sister who is a recent college Freshman, and another sister who's a Senior in high school. My parents names are Jim and Glenda.

Music is one of the most important things in my life. Ever since I was young, music has been in my life. It's how I escape from the world, and I can forget about everything going on. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, music will take me away from it. Thankfully, I can even use in school. I'm involved in many musical groups at school. I play violin in the orchestra and sing and accompany in Concert Choir, Bel Canto (a female singing group), and Knightsounds (a top auditioned group at my school). I also had the privilege of playing piano for the Jazz Band at my school. To sum it all up, yes, I've been very busy this Sophomore year, and it's not even half over yet, and to put even more on my plate, I've just recently been cast in the Sound of Music.

I hope you all enjoy reading this blog. It's merely a way to put my thoughts into words and to share them with the world. Thanks for reading.

Every week I hope to have a weekly update, like the one of above, and with each update I hope to have a song/musician of the week, since my life revolves so much around music. So for my first musician of the week, I chose one group that has currently been on replay for months for me. It's a group called Pentatonix. They are an a capella group, and they are absolutely brilliant. Please look them up!

Here's a video of one of their songs:
Evolution of Music

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