Friday, November 29, 2013

It's That Time of the Year

Get those pots boiling, and get those pans cooking! 
It's that time of the year again. The time when chaos is created in every kitchen in America to create the most scrumptious meal of the year. I'm talking about Thanksgiving of course. Although this day has already past, I am still in the Thanksgiving spirit. When we Americans think of Thanksgiving, we picture a big giant turkey, stuffed with herbs and spices, slow roasted for hours, served on a giant plate of mashed potatoes and gravy. And why shouldn't we picture Thanksgiving this way? There's nothing wrong with eating a delicious meal and watching the big game after. The only problem is that we are all forgetting what this holiday really means. 
The Thanksgiving holiday is a day to reflect on the blessings in our lives. Let's face it. We're pretty blessed here compared to so many places in the world. We have the privilege of eating those huge turkeys for dinner. Poverty, hunger, and epidemics are only a few of the on going struggles that many countries around the world face each day. How many times a day do we have a problem finding food somewhere? It's not too difficult for us. Let's face it, we're very, very blessed. So why not give thanks for that pumpkin pie at the dinner table? We're pretty lucky to even be eating that every Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on all the things we're thankful for, but it shouldn't be just for one day. It should be every day, all day. There is always someone who can be thanked. So here's my challenge you and for myself. Try to say thank you to one person everyday for the whole upcoming month of December. It doesn't have to be something huge, but try to find someone to thank for what they have done for you. And then don't stop at the end of December. Keep going, and eventually it could become something you'll always do. And that habit you'll form is a good one.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever!-Psalm 136:1

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